24 April, 2010

Good Times

Have you ever had a feeling deep in your heart that you can never get rid off? A feeling of emptiness. It feels like, nothing in the world now can satisfy you, make you happy and make this feeling go away. I don't know if you guys have. But I used to have it. Not often, but there was a few times.

Now, every night when I come home and take a shower, I have this feeling. Always. For the past week night. Every single night without fail. Today I got so angry and I kept wondering why? Why am I having this feeling. It felt like no matter what I do or anyone does, can make this feeling of emptiness go away.

Why now...When I have so much to worry about.



NanaKing.BananaBoatMan said...

I used to experience this feeling man. It's farking annoying. Getting angry out of the blue, feeling so empty out of a sudden. I dunnu how I got it, no idea how I got rid of it either, but from what I know, am guessing most guys at this age feel it too. My brother had it, I had it, and now you. All we can do is try to be thankful for wat we have.

A Melody and A Lyric said...

Annoying to the max man...Maybe this single thing is getting to how Ashlynn Brooke gets me all the time...